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How much will the delivery cost?

Here at we offer free standard shipping on all orders over £20 to UK Mainland addresses. Please call us for our carriage rates outside of the UK Mainland.

How quickly will it take for my order to arrive?

We aim to pick, pack and ship all orders within one working day of the date they are placed, subject to stock availability. Thanks to our real-time stock control system we meet this target 99% of the time. However, this system is not infallible, and in rare cases we may not be able to dispatch certain items immediately (usually as a result of stock levels begin recorded incorrectly on our website, or orders for single remaining items being placed at exactly the same time)

In such situations we will either delay for up to 48 hours (if a delivery of fresh stock is imminent) or else part ship the affected order, sending what is available with the unavailable items to follow as soon as fresh stock is received. Either way, we will keep you fully informed of any delays by email; there is no excuse for poor communication in this day and age and we are fully committed to keeping you in the loop at all times.

How does Click & Collect work?

Our Click and Collect service is available Monday to Friday on most products available in our store. Place your order on any working day before 5pm and it will be available to collect the very next working day from 2pm. Collections can't be made on Weekends or Bank Holidays. If your order can be prepared earlier a member of the team will contact you to inform you that earlier collection can be made if necessary. 

If you have any questions, then please get in touch with a member of the team who will be happy to help.


Returns Policy

If for any reason you no longer require part or all of your order please note that you have 14 days from the date that the goods were delivered to return the items to us. You then have an additional 14 days to return the goods to us for a refund.

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